I have just worked out that I have probably spent about 30 summer holidays in Mid Wales. 30 x 2 weeks = well over a year. There are no big theme parks where we go, no rides, no clubs or particularly sophisticated restaurants… There’s not even any guaranteed sunshine! And I think that’s where the attraction lies exactly. Because the weather is changeable, we can’t expect it to be wall to wall sunshine and it rarely is! It is precisely because the weather is NOT good all the time, we really appreciate it when the sun shines. We feel grateful, happy and delighted and make the most of it. Often spending the whole day on the beach or in the sea. Making the best of every warm ray. For me, it makes the Welsh sunshine very special indeed.
This made me think about other factors we appreciate in our lives. Quite simply, unless you have to do without, you don’t always appreciate what you’ve got. It’s only because you know what thirst is like that you can savour a simple drink of water, you appreciate the cool air from a fan when you step out of the heat, you enjoy the weekends and holidays so much more when you have a job and without a doubt, you never take for granted the light when you have been surrounded by prolonged darkness.
We all experience darkness in our lives at some point: brought on by unhappy relationships, financial circumstances, failing mental or physical health, the loss of a loved one. As a FasterEFT practitioner, I have started to make a difference. It’s not my aim to banish your darkness but to help you find the light switch, to help you stand, on tiptoes if necessary, to reach that switch and make you see light again. If your light switch is broken or you just cannot remember where to find it, let me point you in the right direction!