I was invited to deliver a workshop to a team of around fifteen nurses in a large Birmingham NHS Hospital. We all know that NHS staff have been under a lot of pressure lately with budget cuts and understaffing, not to mention the emotionally and physically demanding. work that they do.
To perform highly in such a job, they need to be able to cope with stressful situations. In many cases, they harness this stress and it can be a force for good but sometimes, we all need a little help to maintain a balance. Some people do exercise, or meditate, or smoke (not advised!) but I taught them other techniques that they can build into their busy lives to help deal with stressful situations and anxiety.
We looked at how stress manifests itself in our bodies and our thoughts. We considered particular stresses in our daily life, be it private or professional. I felt privileged to be given the opportunity of teaching this lovely group of Health Professionals how they can help themselves to cope with the tremendous challenges and stresses in their lives.